Site access has changed in order to ensure the site is secure from a safeguarding perspective but also to protect parents, staff and children from close contact with other people during the pandemic.
All families should enter and leaver the site via the new one way system – entry by gate 1 and exit by gate 5 on an ‘open entry, staggered start’ – ie between 8.40 and 9.00 in the morning and to pick up between 3.10 and 3.20 for single children and between 3.20 and 3.30 for picking up more than one child.
The gate on Balfour Street (Gate 4) is open from 8.30 – 9.30 and 3.00 – 3.40pm daily; there will be a one-way system in place in reception to allow parents to drop off their children if they are late. They will enter through Gate 4 and leave through Gate 3.
Parents who need to speak to the office –
• Telephone / email contact is preferable
• Appointments for those who need face-to-face – only one parent to come into office for appointment (unless another is required for translating / other support)
The rest of the time please use the electronic gate (gate 3) on central road. You will need to identify yourself and who you have come to see. Do not let anyone else in with you unless they have also identified themselves.